Talented staffGlobal-level technological skills

Individuals with top-class engineering skills are critical to continue manufacturing the world’s top-class products.
Our company strives to train engineers that can rival anyone on the global stage in order to meet the needs of customers around the world. For example, we’re proactively providing both domestic and international training opportunities, visiting overseas manufacturers and trade shows, and interactions through work with engineers from overseas manufacturers.
We believe that being exposed to global-level skills and thinking is the most important driving force of professional development for our employees.
FacilitiesFunctionality that creates the highest-level products

In order to manufacture the core components of an F1 engine which does not allow accuracy error of even microns is only possible with the best facilities in place.
Manufacturing other race components also requires consistent high level facilities.
Our company possesses many leading domestic and international precision machine tools, and by utilizing such tools, we can manufacture high-quality, high-precision products superior to the ones from other companies at low cost and short lead-time.
KnowledgeSharing the knowledge developed over many years

Because all of our company’s products are built to order and fully customized to fit each respective customer’s specifications, we rarely repeat the same work. Therefore, in order to manufacture an individually customized product with the highest level of quality in a short production time, it is a critical key to share the accumulated know-how and synthesize them as the wisdom of company—knowledge of the company...
Our company has created a work environment based on our company philosophy, where anyone at any time can share the product creation processes filed by individuals in the company.
Sharing knowledge and concepts through knowledge management is the foundation of our company’s technological skills.